Saturday, July 16, 2011

I Don’t Have a Twin

This morning I took a stroll down memory lane.  Well actually down Mistletoe Lane, but after walking the dog, I looked through my mom’s old photo albums.  From time to time, I do that when I’m in Oklahoma for a visit and this time I had an added advantage…a scanner.  I’m sure my older sister will kill me, but she’ll have to catch me first.  The way our mother dressed us you’d think we were twins.  I’m actually quite sad we still don’t have some of these outfits.  I’m particularly disappointed that I do not have adult-sized boots just like the ones in the first photo.  Those boots are spectacular and damn near superhero costume worthy.  There were so many great things about growing up in the seventies.  It was just such a weird decade and no better way to illustrate that than through the clothing styles.  Additionally, my sister and I were not twins…we just were dressed that way.


  1. is that a cammo fur lined coat?

  2. These are AWESOME pics! I particularly like the coats. Haha! Yes, I do believe they are cammo fur lined coats! Really?!!! As you said, the 70s were definitely a weird decade! I don't think my kids would ever forgive me for posting some of the pics I have of them in the 70s. You will have to let us know your sister's reaction when she does find out... if she ever does!!

  3. You both know you are jealous about those coats!

  4. I can not even believe you are wearing a bow! I guess the fur-lined camo coat helps make up for it some but WTH?!?!

  5. Raggedy Ann looks suspiciously like a clown....
